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Biggars Fleming Queen, Lanarkshire

At Biggar in Lanarkshire an annual event harks back to the time of Mary Queen of Scots . One of that fickle monarch’s ladies in waiting was her cousin Mary Fleming (was it narcissistic of the ill-fated Queen that the other three were also called Mary, or simply a reflection of the times and the popularity of the name?). The four Mary’s were not so fickle, accompanying their mistress during her time in France, and returning with her to Scotland.
In 1563 Mary Queen of Scots made Mary Fleming Queen for a Day. Mary Fleming came from Biggar, and was born in the now ruined castle of Boghall. In celebration of that playful gesture every year since that time during the month of June Biggar has selected a Fleming Queen. The girl is crowned outside the Municipal Hall; has a Cornet to accompany her in a parade through the town, along with other members of her court; and reigns for the full week of Biggar’s Gala , rather than just a day.

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