Douglas  Bader
Douglas Bader John Thaw
John Thaw Margot Fonteyn
Margot Fonteyn

21st of February 2025

21st of February 2025 is the 52nd day of the year.

This day in history:

1804: First Steam Locomotive Runs - ...more
1848: Marx publishes The Communist Manifesto - ...more
1849: Battle of Gujarat - ...more
1916: Battle of Verdun Begins - ...more
1917: SS Mendi Sunk off Isle of Wight - ...more
More dates from British history.

British quote for the day:

If I were compelled to choose between living in west bromwich or florence I would make straight for west bromwich - J B Priestley.

Born today:

John Mercer - 1791, George Lansbury - 1859, W H Auden - 1907, Douglas Bader - 1910, Mark McManus - 1935, Jilly Cooper - 1937, Alan Rickman - 1946, Vanessa Feltz - 1962, Charlotte Church - 1986.

Died today:

James I of Scotland - 1437, Robert Southwell - 1595, Jethro Tull - 1741, Henry Robinson - 1901, Osborne Reynolds - 1912, Eric Liddell - 1945, Frederic Lamond - 1948, Duncan Edwards - 1958, Margot Fonteyn - 1991, Robert Bolt - 1995, John Thaw - 2002.

Hotel of the day:

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Brit Quote:
The truth that is suppressed by friends is the readiest weapon of the enemy. - Robert Louis Stevenson
More Quotes

On this day:
First Steam Locomotive Runs - 1804, Marx publishes The Communist Manifesto - 1848, Battle of Gujarat - 1849, Battle of Verdun Begins - 1916, SS Mendi Sunk off Isle of Wight - 1917
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