Elizabeth I dies
Elizabeth I dies Alan  Sugar
Alan Sugar Dark Side of the Moon Released
Dark Side of the Moon Released

24th of March 2025

24th of March 2025 is the 83rd day of the year.

This day in history:

1387: Battle of Margate - ...more
1603: Elizabeth I dies - ...more
1944: The Real Great Escape - ...more
1973: Dark Side of the Moon Released - ...more
More dates from British history.

British quote for the day:

A fishing rod is a stick with a hook at one end and a fool at the other - Samuel Johnson.

Born today:

William Morris - 1834, Samuel Ryder - 1858, Malcolm Muggeridge - 1903, Tommy Trinder - 1909, John Kendrew - 1917, Wilson Harris - 1921, Alan Sugar - 1947, Liz McColgan - 1964, Graeme Swann - 1979.

Died today:

Elizabeth I - 1603, Humphrey Repton - 1818, Verney Cameron - 1894, Edwin Arnold - 1904, Charlotte Mew - 1928, Harold Laski - 1950, Bernard Montgomery - 1976, E H Shepard - 1976.

Hotel of the day:

Choose another day:

Brit Quote:
Whichever party is in office, the Treasury is in power. - Harold Wilson
More Quotes

On this day:
Battle of Margate - 1387, Elizabeth I dies - 1603, The Real Great Escape - 1944, Dark Side of the Moon Released - 1973
More dates from British history

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