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Spa Hotels in Britain

True relaxation is an art form in which not many of us these days are much practiced. So a bit of help from time to time doesn’t go amiss – thus the rise and rise of the spa hotel. Not that the concept is new – far from it: some of our oldest and most celebrated resorts inland and coastal have their roots in the taking of the waters there for health reasons. An honourable tradition then, with plenty of grand hotels founded to serve the patient-guests still to be found and enjoyed today. But the concept has been given a major boost by contemporary hoteliers. Mineral water will still be around, probably to accompany a pleasant dinner or lunch. Massages, mud-baths, toning and less than taxing dips in the pool parts of the other menu on offer. Stylish surroundings and attentive staff are all part of the spa hotel service. Whether you are making a short break of it, simply profiting from the facilities on an en route overnighter, or are in serious need of rest and recuperation and planning a week, these establishments live to deliver. A holiday where you don’t come back exhausted, whatever will they think of next?

Brit Quote:
I venture to say no war can be long carried on against the will of the people. - Edmund Burke
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On this day:
Henry VIII marries Anne Boleyn - 1533, Robert Burns Born - 1759, The Scotsman Launched - 1817, Fox Talbot Shows First Photos - 1839, Burns Day Killer Storm - 1990
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