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Town House Hotels in Britain

As we have got more used to staying away from home the hospitality sector has segmented further and further to meet our needs. Thus the recent welcome rise of the Town House Hotel. There have been plenty of the genre in existence for years of course, quiet little places generally in the heart of our cities and towns, oases of discreet comfort without the sometimes oppressive grandeur of their larger rivals. Of late, however, like their close cousins Boutique Hotels, the Town House Hotel has come to the fore: on a somehow more personal scale, with the occasional quirky touch perhaps. For example, if with dining maybe they have restaurants more homely or more creative than bigger places dare, where the wine list has more “must-try-thats” than “tried-thats.”
Not that Town House Hotels are all about innovation – their architecture so often at ease with the townscape provides a comfortable rootedness that allows a certain stylish latitude to the rest of the service offer. The sort of individual place where the owners hope you’ll recall your time there long after stays at identikit motels have faded from the memory. And recalling them, book again!

Brit Quote:
They say an actor is only as good as his parts. Well my parts have done me pretty well - Barbara Windsor
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Last Invasion of Mainland Britain - 1797, Dolly the Sheep Cloned - 1997, Securitas Depot Robbery - Britains largest - 2006
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