Great Yarmouth Showered with Fish


Great Yarmouth Showered with Fish

Great Yarmouth, Norfolk The 6th of August 2000 AD

You often hear people talk about such phenomena, generally in an “I’ve heard it from a friend” way of speaking, but in Great Yarmouth on August 6 2000 it actually happened: it rained fish. Or rather it rained fish over a small part of that fine old town.
The odd element of the event was preceded by a thunderstorm and the usual watery type of rain, albeit quite heavy as might be expected in a British summer . Then out of the sky fell small sprats, not just a few either, enough to completely cover a shed roof in one spot. Dead but not at all rotten. The meteorologists explained the event as the result of a waterspout in the North Sea picking up a shoal of small fish along with the water in which they were swimming, then feeding into a thundercloud that when it burst dropped the silvery creatures from on high. If only the tornado had passed a potato field on the way, wouldn’t that be something?

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