Malcolm Muggeridge
- Favourite Briton.

Born in Croydon, Surrey
Born on 24th of March 1903
Died on 14th of November 1990

Quotes from Malcolm Muggeridge

'There is no such thing as dark'... More

Born 1903. died 1990 - English journalist.

Moscow Correspondent for Manchester Guardian (1930-33). Served with Intelligence Corps during WWII, receiving Legion of Honour. Editor of Punch (1953-57). Television reporter and interviewer, appearing on Panorama (1953-60). Own series included Appointment With …(1960-61) and Let Me Speak (1964-65).
Books included The Earnest Atheist (1936) and Conversion: A Spiritual Journey (1988).

Links: The Malcolm Muggeridge Society is a literary society offering membership to those interested in the life and work of MM

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We have just enough religion to make us hate, but not enough to make us love one another - Jonathan Swift
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