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3434 views since 4th October 2013

Events in Norfolk

Poetry-next-the-Sea Festival

An event in May in Norfolk
The Maltings
Wells Next The Sea
Event begins: 30th November -0001
Poetry-next-the-Sea Festival ends on 30th November -0001
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for Poetry-next-the-Sea Festival as your favourite British event.

The much-loved Poetry-next-the-Sea festival takes place annually over one May weekend in the town of Wells-next-the-Sea on the north Norfolk coast.

Although this is a more intimate festival, it still showcases poets of national and international repute.

Tel: 01328 738243

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More Events in Norfolk in March

Norwich Antique & Collectors Fair, Holiday Inn, Norwich

Little Vintage Lover Fair, Norwich

Norwich Original Fleamarket, St. Andrew's and Blackfriars' Halls , Norwich

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One of the advantages of being disorderly is that one is constantly making new discoveries - A A Milne
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