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3521 views since 15th October 2013

Events in Suffolk


An event in October in Suffolk
Kentwell Hall
Long Melford
Event begins: 30th November -0001
Scaresville! ends on 30th November -0001
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for Scaresville! as your favourite British event.

Scaresville is a Haunted Village that mysteriously appears in the grounds of Kentwell Hall every autumn. It is one of Britain's Top Scare Attractions, and previous winner of a prestigious Screamie Award.

Visit Scaresville at your peril! You'll enjoy (!!??) over an hour of pure adrenaline, as you journey through dark rooms, forests and open farmland. There is no let up: no stewards giving instructions; no 'safe' zones in which to recover; no trailer-laden parties. By the time you leave you will be exhausted from screaming (and laughing) so much.

Advance booking essential!
Telephone: 01787 310207

If you have been to this event in the past please review it for us here

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