Oxfolk Ceilidhs


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Events in Oxfordshire

Oxfolk Ceilidhs

An event in November in Oxfordshire
Kennington Village Hall
Event begins: 30th November -0001
Oxfolk Ceilidhs ends on 30th November -0001
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A ceilidh (or barn dance) is an evening of high-energy dancing. The music is always live and loud and dancing is often fast and furious. The dances are easy to pick up and there will always be an excellent caller to guide you through. Oxfolk plays host to many of the best ceilidh bands on the English folk scene.

There is a licenced bar serving real ale, real cider, wine and a range of soft drinks.

Come to Oxfolk Ceilidhs for a friendly, relaxed and energetic night of dancing. Dances are held on the second Saturday of the month, from October to May.

Tickets are available on the door. For full details of times and prices, please contact us or find our website.

(for correspondance please call or e-mail)
Telephone: 07866 804220
email: info@oxfolk.org.uk

If you have been to this event in the past please review it for us here

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