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Events in North Yorkshire

Hansel and Gretel at Mother Shipton’s during May Half Term

An event in May in North Yorkshire
Event begins: 26th June 2018
Hansel and Gretel at Mother Shipton’s during May Half Term ends on 3rd June 2018
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Join Hansel and Gretel at Mother Shipton’s during May Half Term, as they journey through the woods trying to find their way home. Don’t be tempted to eat the house made of cakes and sweets, the wicked witch might see you!

Actors will be stationed as characters in the park to interact with children and help families complete a themed adventure quiz sheet. Fun for all the family every day from Saturday 26th May to Sunday 3rd June. The Park opens 10am to 4.30pm (last admission 3.30pm). Standard admission prices apply which can be found on our website.

See the famous Petrifying Well and Mother Shipton’s Cave. The park also has several scenic picnic areas alongside the popular River Nidd, an adventure playground and museum and gift shop.
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America is the only country that went from barbarism to decadence without civilization in between - Oscar Wilde
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