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7679 views since 23rd January 2007

Events in Dorset

Firework Extravaganza

An event in November in Dorset
Sherborne Castle & Lakeside Gardens
Event begins: 30th November -0001
Firework Extravaganza ends on 30th November -0001
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Entertainments, live music, bar, refreshments and food from 5pm; Bonfire 7pm, Fireworks 7.30pm One of the most spectacular fireworks displays to be found.

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More Events in Dorset in March

Shaftesbury Book Fair, United Church Hall, Shaftesbury

Sherborne Castles 10k ‘multi-terrain’ Running Race, Sherborne Castle & Lakeside Gardens, Sherborne

Spring Bulbs & Daffodils Weekend, Sherborne Castle & Lakeside Gardens, Sherborne

Easter Egg Hunts, Farmer Palmer's Farm Park, Poole

Brit Quote:
I never saw a wild thing sorry for itself. A small bird will drop frozen dead from a bough without ever having felt sorry for itself. - D H Lawrence
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On this day:
Worlds 1st regular daily paper 'The Courant' published - 1702, Great Sheffield Flood - 1864, Anschluss - 1938, Pound Note Withdrawn from Circulation - 1988, Chris Huhne and Vicky Pryce Jailed - 2013
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