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14629 views since 13th April 2007

Events in Hampshire

Beaulieu International Autojumble

An event in September in Hampshire
National Motor Museum
Event begins: 30th November -0001
Beaulieu International Autojumble ends on 30th November -0001
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for Beaulieu International Autojumble as your favourite British event.

Beaulieu’s most famous motoring event, the International Autojumble is the biggest outdoor sale of motoring items this side of the Atlantic. With over 2000 stands, groaning with all kinds of vintage and classic motoring ephemera - motoring parts, accessories, automobilia, literature, tools and clothing, there is something for everyone and lots of bargains to be had. This iconic event enjoys the reputation that; “if you can’t find it at Beaulieu, it doesn’t exist!”

Your ticket also includes entry to the Beaulieu attraction, including the National Motor Museum, Palace House, Beaulieu Abbey and World of Top Gear.

Telephone: 01590614614

If you have been to this event in the past please review it for us here

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Mothering Sunday, Exbury Gardens & Steam Railway, Southampton

Brit Quote:
I'll go through life either first class or third, but never in second. - Noel Coward
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