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5405 views since 9th April 2009

Events in Borders

Needlework at Traquair

An event in May in Borders
Traquair House
Event begins: 30th November -0001
Needlework at Traquair ends on 30th November -0001
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A special exhibition of needlework at Traquair ranging from 17th century priests vestments not usually seen on display to a superb new collection of kneelers commissioned by Traquair for the chapel and undertaken by a team of volunteers over the past two years.

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Brit Quote:
It's not whether you win or lose, it's how many people remember you when you die. - Jonathan Ross
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On this day:
Henry VIII marries Anne Boleyn - 1533, Robert Burns Born - 1759, The Scotsman Launched - 1817, Fox Talbot Shows First Photos - 1839, Burns Day Killer Storm - 1990
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