Purbeck Film Festival


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4768 views since 4th October 2010

Events in Dorset

Purbeck Film Festival

An event in October in Dorset
The Rex Cinema
Event begins: 30th November -0001
Purbeck Film Festival ends on 30th November -0001
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for Purbeck Film Festival as your favourite British event.

The Purbeck Film Festival offers two weeks of exciting films at our favourite cinemas, arts centres, village halls, pubs, tourism venues and hotels across the Purbeck region, Poole and Bournemouth. We have more new venues and fantastic films for everyone to enjoy, ranging from the culturally diverse side of cinema to the silents and classics, to world cinema and the good old favourites.

The Purbeck Shorts Competition offers national and international filmmakers an opportunity to see their film on the big screen in front of a professional Judging Panel, who will decide on a winner at the end of the evening. There is a Jury Prize and an Audience Award.

For further information please contact Julie Sharman, Administrator on 01929 554906/07888 668420 or email info@purbeckfilm.com. Visit www.purbeckfilm.com for full festival details.

If you have been to this event in the past please review it for us here

More Events in Dorset in March

Sherborne Castles 10k ‘multi-terrain’ Running Race, Sherborne Castle & Lakeside Gardens, Sherborne

Spring Bulbs & Daffodils Weekend, Sherborne Castle & Lakeside Gardens, Sherborne

Easter Egg Hunts, Farmer Palmer's Farm Park, Poole

Shaftesbury Book Fair, United Church Hall, Shaftesbury

Brit Quote:
Somebody said to me, 'But the Beatles were anti-materialistic.' That's a huge myth. John and I literally used to sit down and say, 'Now, let's write a swimming pool.' - Paul McCartney
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Battle of Berwick - 1296, Fire Claims 19 Glasgow Firefighters - 1960
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