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Events in Nottinghamshire

The Legends of Sherwood

An event in April in Nottinghamshire
Sherwood Forest
Event begins: 30th November -0001
The Legends of Sherwood ends on 30th November -0001
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for The Legends of Sherwood as your favourite British event.

We invite you on a magical adventure deep within Sherwood Forest sensational 10k (ish) run, celebrating the mystery and lore of this ancient place. Making this stop on the Notorious Night Run Series just a bit more Notorious is the spirit of the outlaw Robin Hood.

The rich history encompassing Norman Kings, Medieval Monks, Robin Hood and First World War soldiers shapes both the terrain and atmosphere you will encounter during this awesome night-time woodland adventure.

The Legends 10k (and a bit)

Although this area is not hilly, the ground is gently undulating. You will experience different terrains including gravel tracks, mud, and of course, lots and lots of trees!

The terrain is dominated by pine trees and the surface will be a combination of forest fire tracks and way marked paths though the trees.

The area is generally flat but the weather conditions, obstacles and darkness will make this no walk in the park.

Run duration between 90 minutes and 4hrs. Be prepared!

5km (ish)
Although this area is not hilly, the ground is gently undulating. You will experience different terrains including gravel tracks, mud, and of course, lots and lots of trees! The 5km (ish) Legends of Sherwood will commence at 1400* and run duration will be between 50 mins and 120 mins depending on fitness.
Earlybird tickets available now!

The fun does not end when the race does. Oh no, there's more in store. Whether you choose to stay locally or in the tented village, we invite you to join us as we make merry in the party tent on Saturday night, where the ales will be flowing and the music will be playing.

We will also have food options available into the evening and the caterers will be serving up to half an hour before the party is over.

Contact information:
Email –
Tel – 02031950185

If you have been to this event in the past please review it for us here

More Events in Nottinghamshire in March

UK Motorhome & Caravan Spring Fair, Newark Showground, Newark

Model Railway Exhibition, Nottingham

Clumber Park Duathlon, Worksop

Robin Hood Bike Ride , Mansfield

Brit Quote:
Better a witty fool than a foolish wit. - William Shakespeare
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On this day:
Battle of Berwick - 1296, Fire Claims 19 Glasgow Firefighters - 1960
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