Christmas Festival at Stansted Park


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Events in Hampshire

Christmas Festival at Stansted Park

An event in November in Hampshire
Stansted Park
Rowlands Castle
Event begins: 30th November -0001
Christmas Festival at Stansted Park ends on 30th November -0001
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This annual weekend festival opens on a Friday at beautiful Stansted House and The Garden Centre, shining with Christmas lights and wonderful goodies to suit all the family - all your Christmas shopping solved! With many local exhibitors as well as companies from further a field. Santa will arrive in style on Friday evening and carolers will be adding to the festive atmosphere along with delicious refreshments.

Plenty of Children's Entertainment to be found at The Garden Centre: Santa's Grotto, juggling, story telling, face painting & craft activities and 'The Stansted Christmas Maze & Wish Tree' in the Walled Garden. Children can also take a ride around the grounds on the Stansted Light Railway and 'Rudolph & Prancer' (the largest reindeer in the world!) will be giving lifts on the 'Festive Horse Drawn Carriage' between the house and the garden centre.

Telephone: 01243 780000

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