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4439 views since 10th March 2011

Events in Sussex

PO Vehicles, Veteran Cycles & Industrial Trains

An event in April in Sussex
Amberley Museum & Heritage Centre
Event begins: 30th November -0001
PO Vehicles, Veteran Cycles & Industrial Trains ends on 30th November -0001
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Three events taking place simultaneously on one day!

PO Vehicle Rally
A collection of postal and telecommunications vehicles, along with related displays. Demonstrations and activities relating to the postal and telecommunications industries are also planned.

Veteran Cycles
Static displays of cycles from penny farthings to boneshakers! Parades of some of these fabulous machines may even take place!

Industrial Trains
Special demonstrations of industrial locomotives and rolling stock - a photographer's delight.

Normal Museum admission prices apply and the usual Museum attractions will also be available.

If you have been to this event in the past please review it for us here

More Events in Sussex in March

Pioneer Motorcycle Run, Madeira Drive, Brighton

Mothering Sunday, Weald & Downland Open Air Museum, Chichester

Mothers Day Celebrations, Petworth House, Petworth

Green Architecture Day , Sallis Benney Theatre, Brighton

Open Days at Wilmington Priory, Wilmington Priory, Wilmington

Lanes Market, Friends’ Meeting House, Ship Street, Brighton

Brit Quote:
No advance in wealth, no softening of manners, no reform or revolution has ever brought human equality a millimeter nearer - George Orwell
More Quotes

On this day:
Sacking of Berwick upon Tweed - 1296, End of the Crimean War - 1856, Airey Neave assasinated - 1979, John Major gets on his Soapbox - 1992, 1st Broadcast of Channel 5 - 1997, Queen Mother Dies - 2002
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