Chislehurst Rocks!


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5093 views since 1st August 2011

Events in Kent

Chislehurst Rocks!

An event in June in Kent
Recreation Ground
Event begins: 30th November -0001
Chislehurst Rocks! ends on 30th November -0001
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Chislehurst Rocks! is a music festival created by the people, for the people! Our mission statement is "to give everyone in BR7 a great day out while providing a platform for up and coming local talent". We are aiming to bring together all kinds of local people to achieve this for one special day. As well as music for all ages, there will be rides, stalls, food, drink and workshops.

2011 was our inaugural year, but we hope that this is the start of something that will run into the future - just like the Chislehurst Festival of which we're a part.

If you'd like to get involved, please see our Volunteers page for details! Keep checking into our site and finding us on Facebook for updates on the line up and for announcements on new workshops.

Times: 11am – 9pm
Chislehurst Recreation Ground, Empress Drive, BR7 5BG
Buses: 61, 160, 161, 162, 273
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If you have been to this event in the past please review it for us here

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The Alpine Garden Society - Plant Enthusiast's Spring Show, Rainham School for Girls, Rainham

South East Woodworking Show, Kent County Showground, Detling

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The profession of a prostitute is the only career in which the maximum income is paid to the newest apprentice - William Booth
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