
It is important to remember that for every bad review there are probably lots of satisfied customers. These reviews are the comments of individual visitors to Information Britain and have not been authenticated by us. They should not be taken as the views of Crawbar Ltd - publishers of this web site.

Reviews of Wheatsheaf, Wellow

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Review by Cosmo Brown on 18th July, 2008

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Hear, hear to Ms Stamp - I went to the reinvented Wheatsheaf when it first changed hands a couple of years ago and was unuterably impressed then. Having recently returned I find it exceeded expectations again and my wife and I enjoyed a fabulous anniversary dinner there. There is one word for The Wheatsheaf - Faultless! or perhaps two - Sublime! If you are any kind of food or wine lover beat a path there before you cannot get a table...

Date visited: 16.07.08

Review by Cressida Stamp on 9th July, 2008

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What on earth was your previous reviewer thinking? The Wheatsheaf Combe Hay has been transformed from a tired, dirty, microwaved food pub into a rustic chic fabulous place heading tis way to a michelin star! The food is stunning and the wine list is one of the most outstanding I have ever seen, both in terms of quality and value for money- I don't know where you can eat such fine food in entirely condusive, relaxed, informal surroundings and welcoming atmosphere- I found the staff to be exemplary but enough, what The Wheatsheaf does best IS the food and if you love food and wine and you do not want to pay through the nose for it you cannot find anywhere better in or around Bath. I think they trully deserve a michelin star and much praise from al quarters!

Date visited: 4th July 2008

Review by John Willis on 5th June, 2007

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The guts & character have been ripped out of what was a fine country inn serving a broad range of excellent food.It is now synthetic with a small and expensive menu. Portions are minimal- a bread roll would have cushioned our feeling of being conned! And all of this on top of one of the rudest and supercilious barmen we have ever met.No wonder that friday lunchtime was so quiet.Will be surprised if trading can continue in current format.

Date visited: 25.05 2007

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