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Reviews of Inverlochy Castle Hotel, Fort William

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Review by GARY MACLEAN on 17th May, 2005

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It is remarkable how a landscape, a particular sweep of – in this case – mountains, loch, forest and distant smoke spirals – can imprint on the memory and indeed heart. ‘Salt to the memory, like a long mist lifting… twenty years fall away in a wild bird’s lilting’: I corrupt the verse by William Neill, bardic-winning poet whose volume ‘Blossom, Berry, Fall’ I edited some years ago. The view is from the castle, over its brown trout filled lochan and islet. I know the place well. The birds are geese and although I have been accused of being too positive, sometimes, and that my geese are always swans, Inverlochy Castle is indeed a fine swan. It is less formal than in days gone by. But being back gave me goosebumps. The superb service is a thing of joy and adds hugely to the value of a stay here. Many return time and time again. Small wonder that well-travelled readers of glossy magazines are impressed. In the Highlands of Scotland, somebody will remember your name – and how you take your tea
courtesy of Hotel Review Scotland /

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