
It is important to remember that for every bad review there are probably lots of satisfied customers. These reviews are the comments of individual visitors to Information Britain and have not been authenticated by us. They should not be taken as the views of Crawbar Ltd - publishers of this web site.

Reviews of Chichester Cathedral, Chichester

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Review by Sophie McGraw on 3rd September, 2010

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It is unfortunate that Nigel Foxell in his description of his visit to Chicester Cathedral misspelled Chagall.

Review by Lady Ballantyne on 13th April, 2009

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IN SUPPORT OF THE COMMENT BY NIGEL FOXELL ON THAT CARELESS ERROR,I would simply say that details show care. That Nigel observed so keenly did not surprise those of us who know him well! Keep up the good works, Chichester, and let your hallmarks of reverence and care be displayed at all times. Thank you. Lady Ballantyne

Date visited: MAY2008

Review by Nigel Foxell on 30th May, 2008

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My wife and I were immensely impressed by the flower festival, beautiful and imaginative throughout. If we had to single out any display for special praise it would be the one under the Chagal window. We were perplexed, however, by the carelessness that allowed a typographical error to go unchecked in the south aisle. On a notice in large lettering 'SINFONIA ANTARTICA',as it should of course have been, appeared as 'SINFONIA ANTARCTICA'. How could so obvious and glaring a mistake go unchecked? It looks slovenly and lets the side down. So unnecessaary. It contrasts with all the care in other respects. Nigel Foxell

Date visited: 30.v.08

Review by Deirdre Brockway on 17th August, 2006

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This is not strictly a review but some friends and I visited your Flower Festival this year and were so very impressed. It was wonderful. In a much smaller way and inspired by Chichester, we have decided to have a Festival of Flowers next year and wondered if you could email me copies of the forms you used for sponorship to give us an idea of how to set them out. We are raising money for restoration work for St Mary's Church, Amport near Andover Hants. I would be so grateful if you could pass this email on to your flower ladies. Yours sincerely Deirdre Brockway

Date visited: June 2006

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