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Reviews of Grafton Hotel, Manchester

Best rates for a Local Hotel

Review by Anonymous on 27th May, 2006

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graded to a room with a toilet and bath which was an extra 10 pounds General Review: The hotel was good, although there was a rather bad smell. The staff were very friendly and helpful. The breakfast the next morning was excellent this was the best part of the stay. The room was very small and did not have a toilet/bathroom. so we were upgraded to a room with a bathroom, containing a bath and a toilet. this was an extra ten pounds. The television had terrible reception and was unwatchable. The curtain was half hanging off when we went to shut it on the night time. Overall the stay was average. the friendliness of the staff and the quality of the breakfast were the best aspects of the stay. It was adequate enough for the one night we stayed although I dont believe that I could have stayed there longer than that.

Date visited: 2006-05-27

Review by Anonymous on 21st March, 2006

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General Review: this hotel is ok for cheap nights stay, but dont expect much.

Date visited: 2006-03-21

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