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Reviews of Inn on the moor, Whitby

Best rates for a Local Hotel

Review by John West on 7th May, 2005

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My wife spent 4 days here. Weather was typical April Uk.Moors perhaps not best time to visit as they look rather dead. We had a very pleasant stay however at Inn on the Moor. Very relaxing and people we met in the bar most welcoming. Service was excellent as was the food. Could not do much walking because of the weather. But we had a great afternoon in Whitby when the clouds did break.We would have liked to walk on the Moors and seen the Roman Road, but instead we saw some beautiful scenery around the area and visited some interesting villages,and had a great steam train ride. Go again? Stay at Inn on the Moor? Like a heartbeat. Malcolm and Judy, Proprietors do a great job. Congratulations!

Date visited: April 11 to April15

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