
It is important to remember that for every bad review there are probably lots of satisfied customers. These reviews are the comments of individual visitors to Information Britain and have not been authenticated by us. They should not be taken as the views of Crawbar Ltd - publishers of this web site.

Reviews of Royal Hop Pole Hotel, Tewkesbury

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Review by MRS S M JOYCE on 5th October, 2006

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For our Silver Wedding Anniversary, returned to the Royal Hop Pole, where we spent our honeymoon, and were delighted to find the hotel much the same - except for the restaurant and bar. We were disappointed to find staff watching T.V. in the bar, and all waiters were very young and inexperienced, although tried to be helpful. Menu was quite good, but anything remotely chocolatey was off (early, Saturday evening)and they had never heard of expresso coffee! Having said that, our good memories of 25 years ago helped us to make allowances. Standards slipping, as in many things today.

Date visited: 9.9.06

Review by Mr. A E. Mitchell on 29th August, 2006

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FOOD. A Fish and Chip supper ordered in the bar, at appox. 19.20 hrs. resulted in a dish of cold mushy peas having to be reheated. The presentation was non-existent as the large plate was overfilled with chips and salad resuling in no room for the fish. This was resolved by "plonking" the fish on top of the salad! The fish was alledgedly supplied to the hotel on Sunday,according to the cooks message via the waitress, but looked as if it had been cooked in batter some considerable time before being served. The batter was hard and looked and tasted uninviting! Meal unacceptable, and at a price of £7.95 was disgracefull!!

Date visited: 28/08/06

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