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Reviews of Filling Station, Perth

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Review by james napier on 29th June, 2007

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Tonight i will be visiting this place for the second time.The reason for this,is that i cannot believe that any eaterie can serve up such poor fair more than once.My last visit was a total disaster.I would love Gordon Ramsay to visit this so called restaraunt,i would watch with interest,the swearing starting and the utermost disbelief from Mr Ramsay.Let me start at the beginning. The welcome if you can call it that was very,very cold,somewhat like the food. No smile just a grunt and a finger point in the general direction of our table,which i may add was filthy and untouched since the previous guests.Once the food did arrive,it took us a good few minutes to discover if what was actually in front of us was what we ordered.Now to the tasting of this fine fair,well what can one say about food fit for the pigs in the local farm(the question has to be asked"would they eat it").Cold,a rather strong smelling soup that called itself "soup of the day",ha ha This was no soup of any day I actually find myself unable to continue,with the thoughts of this disgusting meal. I'am visiting tonight and will not be booking under my real name due to the fact i'am writing this review,the fear of getting something that might manage to taste worse than in the previous visit has brought me out in some sort of rash. I will be attending with my good wife Shona,to prove what i said was true about my preveios visit.

Date visited: 10/02/07

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