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Reviews of White Hart Inn, Ulverston

Best rates for a Local Hotel

Review by Ros & John Kellner on 5th September, 2005

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We didnt stay at the White Hart Inn, but stayed at a cottage called No. 2 Rose Cottage which is a 2 minute walk to the White Hart Inn. The Inn is one of the oldest pubs in England and people travel for miles around to come to the pub. There are the usual locals, Noel & his lovely wife Hillary and Roderick and Sue. After a couple of visits there and some hearty meals from the bar, the locals got to know us and would stop by to say hello. A very friendly pub indeed for a couple of Aussies. I would love to go there again. Their steak and Guiness pie is the best pie I have ever eaten and I dont even like beer. It is a must to try. The accommodation upstairs looked very clean and comfortable and I hear the prices are very reasonable. I highly recommend the White Hart Inn. Regards, Ros & John Kellner, Australia.

Date visited: 28 May 2005

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