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Reviews of Devonshire Arms, Rowsley

Best rates for a Local Hotel

Review by sarah chapman on 23rd October, 2006

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We have visited this charming and really quite unique pub on a number of occasions before: both of us love Derbyshire and the surrounding area, and one thing that is all too rare these days is a genuine, unspoilt olde-worlde pub! Imagine then our horror when we walked in today to find the whole place transformed into something representing the worst features of a town pub such as you might expect to see anywhere. We recoiled at the bright blue bar, shuddered at the floodlit rooms, noticed with utter disbelief that the fire was no longer in use, and stared in shock at the cheap hotel furniture and drab carpet placed over the flagstone floor! What on earth possessed anybody to commit this utter vandalism on one of the most beautiful pubs in the area we cannot imagine, nor can we understand how anybody could disregard completely the honest and traditional architecture of this rare pub! Although the food in our experience is very good we did not stay as we were by now running back to the car as fast as we could as we thought we were lost! This is a crime against our heritage and really people should vote with their feet and insist that the place is restored to its former glory! If however you want to find a JD Weatherspoon type establishment disguised as a country pub then perhaps this is the place for you!

Date visited: 23.10.06

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