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Reviews of Moseley Cricket Club Carboot, Solihull

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Review by M.clifton on 13th March, 2016

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Very disappointed with dog mess. I am somewhat bewildered as to why a cricket club would allow dogs to roam free , be on a lead or , even be supervised on any grassed area. This is after all supposed to be a cricket club that is offering car boot sale opportubities. Unless this becomes a 'no dog cricket club' I shall, like those who also prefer to walk over grassy areas where there is no risk of treading on composting dog mess mingling with blades of grass, be going ekse where in 2016. For the life of me I am trying to work out what type of cricket players (old and/or young) are happy fielding where there is the potential of a cricket ball travelling along grass with camoflarged decomposing dog mess sludge, only to then be picking up and handling the ball with their bear hands. ugh! I think most people would say cricket clubs and dogs on any grassed area is a big NO NO !

Date visited: 2015

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