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Reviews of The Bull Hotel, Wargrave

Best rates for a Local Hotel

Review by Sydney Girl on 31st October, 2008

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We booked this time together as "special time" before I flew back to Australia. Trouble finding the hotel-Sat Nav sent us in circles (yet again). Initial problems with parking and off-loading luggage- tend to carry lots when from the other side of the world. Located "park and display" area nearby- (?) fortunately the machine was broken. Room a little cramped with all the luggage but clean and comfortable and the *best* showers I had whilst in the UK. Breakfast ("last minute rate") and the (extra) "full English" was my only gripe. Would have preferred s'thing in between- juice, yoghurt and fruit, egg on toast and coffee. Small gripe. Landlord very helpful as were all staff. Chef, Andrew Fox, does a fantastic job and love that he uses local produce. End of a day, with glass of dry white in the garden before preparing for dinner-magic. The "Big Questions": Would I return? In a minute. Would I recommend to friends? Only if Carl, the landlord, had my name on my room, my fav table booked and Chef Andrew had enough of my favourite dish in to feed me as well as others. Then, yes, of course, I would.

Date visited: 7-11 October 2008

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