
It is important to remember that for every bad review there are probably lots of satisfied customers. These reviews are the comments of individual visitors to Information Britain and have not been authenticated by us. They should not be taken as the views of Crawbar Ltd - publishers of this web site.

Reviews of Hawkins Arms, Truro

Best rates for a Local Hotel

Review by Anonymous on 17th June, 2009

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Good Points: Very good pub food. Excellent English breakfast. Car parking on site. Bad Points: At £65 B and B you don't expect a lot. It is a pub with two guest rooms. Ours smallish but fine for overnight stay. Nothing really wrong and excellent value. General review: We arrived tired and somewhat irritable after a long day with many traffic delays. We were well fed, well-rested and left in a much better frame of mind.

Date visited: 2009-06-17

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