
It is important to remember that for every bad review there are probably lots of satisfied customers. These reviews are the comments of individual visitors to Information Britain and have not been authenticated by us. They should not be taken as the views of Crawbar Ltd - publishers of this web site.

Reviews of Falstaff Hotel, Canterbury

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Review by Anonymous on 27th August, 2009

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Good Points: Excellent Shower flow Bad Points: Shower unit in poor condition General review: Reasonably comfortable

Date visited: 2009-08-27

Review by Mr Frodo on 2nd June, 2008

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This hotel has many points to consider Good Points: 1. Rooms are well air conditioned 2. Situated in the heart of canterbury 3. Has a bar 4. Authenic (movie like) 5. Encourages you to check out canterbury's many lovely feature Bad Points: 1. The windows have holes in them, it was freezing!!!! 2. The windows have holes in then and because its in the heart of the city dont expect any sleep. 3. The bar has no tv and on the top floor room all you can hear is the music from the bar 4. very authenic as you walk down the corridor to your room(you generally dont even need a key to get in just push the door open) its like a scene from alice in wonderland with the corridor getting smaller and smaller. 5. The room was so disguisting i didnt want to be in it long, plus if i was a hobbit i might be ok since the door frame height was 5ft. All in all i enjoyed my stay in this magical place, oh wait sorry i didnt mean that.(still recovering from the many blows to my head i received from the door frames and support beams.

Date visited: 28/05/2008

Review by Izzat on 20th October, 2007

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Good Points: The location is excellent. Bad Points: Some rooms are better than others. General review: A very good value for money.

Date visited: 2007-10-20

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