
It is important to remember that for every bad review there are probably lots of satisfied customers. These reviews are the comments of individual visitors to Information Britain and have not been authenticated by us. They should not be taken as the views of Crawbar Ltd - publishers of this web site.

Reviews of New Inn, Tresco

Best rates for a Local Hotel

Review by Mo Williams on 6th October, 2009

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Hi Can I say how much our party of 8 enjoyed our lunch with you last week. The ambience, food, service was excellent. Will certainly come and visit you when we are next on the island. Regards Mo Williams

Date visited: 29.9.09

Review by John Hampson on 12th August, 2009

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I have been a regular customer at this store ever since it opened. very little attention is paid to detail particularly pricing. Goods are stacked onto shelves regardless of price labelling, often the only way of checking the apparent price is to read the barcode - that is if your eyesight is sharp enough to do this. Some items are not priced at all - not good enough for a self service store. I have even shown some of the wandering managers various pricing omissions only to find next day the same items still unpriced. Trolley bays in the car park are now beyond a joke due to lack of keys to recover deposit coins. duty managers say they are not authorised to provide new ones.

Date visited: 10 Aug 2009

Review by louise musson on 21st February, 2008

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I have shopped at this tesco for several years now. For the past 7-8 months I have been converted to Free Range chickens. When I watched all the programmes on T.V showing people the way battery chickens are bred I knew that many more people would be buying Free Range Chickens. It would appear that the buyers at Tesco have still not realised this as for the past four weeks I have not been able to buy a Free Range chicken as there has been none on the shelves. I'm sure tesco's sales figures dont show much of an increase in sales of Free Range Chickens, but its very hared to buy something that is not on the shelf, Is Tesco trying to make a statement by this?

Date visited: February 2008

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