
It is important to remember that for every bad review there are probably lots of satisfied customers. These reviews are the comments of individual visitors to Information Britain and have not been authenticated by us. They should not be taken as the views of Crawbar Ltd - publishers of this web site.

Reviews of Liongate Hotel, East Molesey

Best rates for a Local Hotel

Review by Geoffrey on 14th July, 2009

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Good Points: Friendly male staff. Food very acceptable at set buffet lunch party we attended. Bad Points: Small room, very hot, steep access stairs, no help with luggage, poor state of decoration, smoke alarm covered by shower cap to stop it working, bathroom dirty, almost boiling water from hot taps with no warning, bathroom floor tiles cracked in many places, bathroom door only opened half way as toilet prevented full opening, loose electric socket, packaged breakfast ingredients, limited buffet, cheap plastic packaged butter & jams, tea from vacuum flasks but pot produced when asked. Very expensive even for London at £180 per night! General review: Not a great overnight experience but convenient for our purpose on this occasion. Had much much better Bed & Breakfast accommodation at a fraction of the price. The level of service and accommodation offered would be worth about £35 per night maximum in a not great B&B!

Date visited: 2009-07-14

Review by Anonymous on 5th May, 2009

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Good Points: proximity to Hampton Court Bad Points: very poor standard of decor in room, terrible loud music in breakfast room, stewed tea with no indivudual pots, opened marmalade jars that could have been very old...everything felt as if it had been done at the least possible cost. General review: very disapointed

Date visited: 2009-05-05

Review by Anonymous on 19th August, 2008

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Bad Points: Had no lights in room - discovered at midnight Had 1 cup for tea in the morning TV low on the floor with poor reception

Date visited: 2008-08-19

Review by Anonymous on 14th July, 2008

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Good Points: Location, free parking, clean bed, clean bathroom. Bad Points: Small, dark and dingy room. Shabby decor, lights bulbs blown, gouge in wall. Not told of staying across the road in the annexe. Dirty shower curtain. Saturday morning breakfast a shambles.

Date visited: 2008-07-14

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