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Reviews of Wagon & Horses, Ashford

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Review by John Roders on 14th February, 2010

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I realize that was a long time ago since I last visited your pub, but its even longer still that I lived in Monkery Bottom (1950) It was while sitting in your pub that I began to reflect back on our my mother had rented this old bus at Monkery Bottom and we spent a long cold winter there. If at sometime you feel like reading some excerpts or maybe retailing this little bit of history about the area, go to, Thank you for your time and I hope you enjoy the book. My sister and I will be visiting in 2011 as that will be our 50th anniversary since we left England, and we still have dear friends in Charing. John Roders. Great Pub, Thanks for the memories.

Date visited: June 2005

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A laugh is worth a hundred groans in any market. - Charles Lamb
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