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Reviews of Ye Olde Bulls Head Inn, Beaumaris

Best rates for a Local Hotel

Review by Martin on 9th June, 2008

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In need of rapid refreshment before a fishing trip three of us hit the Brasserie and took the tapas option, a good decision. At £6.25 per person for two tapas we ate well, and given our deadline rapidly, thanks to efficient service. We went for mixed cooked meats (salami, Carpaccio, Serrano ham), cooked chorizo in tomato sauce – the highlight, really excellent – two lots of chunky grilled prawns with properly garlicky aioli, patatas bravas, and new potato tortilla, plus top notch bread and a round of drinks for under £28. The modern room was cool and airy on a hot day, lots of glass, bare stonework and pleasant green walls, and the nice buzz about the place made us comfortable. One to recommend.

Date visited: June 5th

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