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Reviews of The Hatchgate Restaurant, Hook

Best rates for a Local Hotel

Review by B Phipps on 11th November, 2009

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In response to the previous tales of my attitude... 1) Despite what your convenient witnesses have said I did NOT call any of the waitresses foreign nor swear at them. 2) I was quite rightly annoyed and have explained why I believed the wording to be ambiguous. I have asked others about this and they agree with me that it was not clear. I have since learned of your recent circumstances and understand that my timing was unfortunate, for which I apologise and offer my sincere condolences, but I was not aware of events at the time. Re the comments about my father, I did not ask him to complain to you and was annoyed that he did. But its a fair cop - he did. I would say the same if I were in your position.

Date visited: 25/9/09

Review by B Phipps on 11th November, 2009

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Also, I could not help but notice how you have 2 accounts of my so called aggresive behaviour that have been penned by the same person. Very convenient. As anyone that knows me knows my wife is of mixed race, so you are barking up the wrong tree by attempting to pin and racist comments on me. I did not make any. Fact. I have no dispute with, and even employ (shock) foreign workers. I cannot fathom why you have gone down this path. I am sure the readers of this website can make their own decisions based on what they have read here.

Review by Ken Youd on 6th November, 2009

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,though not altogether bad,was not as per the agreed menu. The drink for the toast, which we were assured would be something better than Cava was --- Cava. Speeches could not be heard because of the noise emanating from the other party in the other half of the room. The tables were ridiculously cramped together with no room for circulation or access to the virtually non-staffed bar. The plan to have two functions at the same time in such a confined space with totally inadequate staffing can have been motivated only by sheer greed. Never go there is my considered advice. Ken Youd

Date visited: 24/10/09

Review by Laurence Ward on 25th October, 2009

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Thought that I would reply to the Complaint on the 21 sept 09. I am the owner of the place in question and on the day as mentioned it is right he did complain but at no time did I tell him to F--- off or don't give a s--- . I did say that was the first time in 7 years that someone had misread the menu but I also told him not to be so rude to the staff . As he said to the young girl Quote : You are only a waitress and FOREIGN and I expect you cant even read it properly so go and get the manager. Yes she is a waitress and she is Foreign but that gives you no right to put her down because without the forigners. We the Restaurants, Pubs , Clubs,Care Assistants and Hospitals and many more trades would not exist.Some of these Foreigner's as you called them are more qualified than you or me will ever be : You used this place for 30years NO your dad did because he was the one who has been in touch with us over this as you are only in your 30s yourself. Next time don't get your dad to do the dirty work, you are 30odd not 3 be a man of which that might be a hard act to follow for you. You made yourself look silly that day in front of a lot of people. Fathers are meant to let go when there kids get older but not in this case. And once again The foreign girls we have here are good ,polite and know when they are wrong and this time they were 100% right and they are legally entitled to be here as you and me. You owe the apologie to them , but ask dad first.

Date visited: all the time

Review by Lynda Henwood on 24th October, 2009

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I too was at the Hatchgate when the chap & his wife (B Phipps)was haveing his meal,i have read his review,and i must state this is not quiet the way he writes in which the advents happend. He was rude to the staff,they tried to explain the menu,even though it is quite clear,& for someone who states he has been going there for the last '30'years,its seems strange that he had to have the menu 'explaind' to him.I & the customers who where there found him to be quite aggressive. My family & friends eat there on a very regular basis & have always found the staff & its management very accomadating to all our needs,i have recommended the Hatchgate many times & will do so again, the food's great & the Management & his staff make the Hatchgate a very pleasent place to go too.

Date visited: 20/9/2009

Review by lynda on 24th October, 2009

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I have read the review by B Phipps on 21st September, 2009. I too was in the Hatchgate when this took place, & as with everything there is always two sides.As i recall the Man was very rude & loud to the staff who tried to explain the menu to him & it was getting that other diner's were looking up from their meals,which was embarrassing to us & all.He went but came barging back, demanding that he had been short changed,he was swearing & paceing infact very troublesome,again the menu was explaind to him, the poor staff were by now at a loss as to what to do & he was ask to go,it is sad that one person can upset what was a pleasant meal for me & my friends.What i fail to understand is that this chap has been going to the Hatchgate for '30'yrs,we too are long term patrons & as yet have never asked or been confused by the menu.I have always found the staff & Management to be excellent,& bend over backwards to make the meal & event a very pleasant time.The food is always to a high standard & the service great.I have recommended the Hatchgate to friends & family & am more than happy to carry this on.

Date visited: Sun 20th Sept

Review by B Phipps on 21st September, 2009

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Sun 20th Sept – I took my wife for lunch at the pub and although we enjoyed the meal, I was overcharged due to an ambiguity on the menu. When you are given you the option of “One course”, “Two courses” or “Two courses with cheeseboard” I naturally assumed that the latter was a starter, a main course and a cheeseboard. Otherwise it should have read “One course”, “One course plus cheeseboard” etc which would have been clear. Somewhat surprised to have been apparently overcharged by nearly £10 I asked for a copy of the menu as I wished to write to the management to complain as I did not agree that this was fair. The manager came down, a tall, bald, quite intimidating figure who when I politely started with “Hello mate” was immediately rude and said no-one had ever made this mistake in 7 years and only an idiot would think that. I pointed out that “I am not an idiot, but…” to be cut off with “I don’t give a s--- what you think mate” it is what it is. I said “That is terrible customer service, how can you talk to a customer who has just spent £50 here?” He repeated that he did not give a s--- and that I could f--- off and take my custom elsewhere. I immediately left and will not be returning. After 30 years of regular, happy visits to this venue with my family I feel as though I have been mugged. I hope my account helps others to make a decision – go elsewhere or be bullied, intimidated and abused if you exercise your consumers right to make a complaint. I will be reporting this incident to trading standards in the hope that some action can be taken.

Date visited: 20/9/2009

Review by Eileen Johnson on 21st August, 2006

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We had an lovely meal at The Hatchgate on Saturday evening Not only was the food superb, the staff were very friendly and attentive throughout the evening.

Date visited: 19/8/06

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