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Reviews of Amber Dental Surgery, Twickenham

Best rates for a Local Hotel

Review by Happy customer on 24th April, 2007

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I also went to the dentist with a feeling of dread but aware that I should use my opportunity of free treatment now that I am on JSA. Stained teeth, tartar, half a tooth missing. He treated me efficiently with a friendly but authoritative manner. Amber seems to be available to new NHS customers but I would warn people to be realistic however as Mr Patel is justifiable popular and you may have to wait for your next appointment.

Date visited: 24.4.07

Review by BRYONY WEAVER on 8th November, 2006

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Not having been to the dentist for about 6 years, I was dreading the visit, sure there'd be fillings/decay/crowns, all kinds of very expensive problems to put right. As both an NHS and Private practice, the surgery can offer very good rates indeed on the NHS side. As an NHS patient, I was expecting cursory treatment and not much interest, but Mr Patel, my dentist, took his time with me, explained everything that was going on, went through the treatments required (only peridontal and a couple of fillings - not too bad, then) and I don't think a private patient would have been treated better. Highly recommended.

Date visited: 6/11/06

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