
It is important to remember that for every bad review there are probably lots of satisfied customers. These reviews are the comments of individual visitors to Information Britain and have not been authenticated by us. They should not be taken as the views of Crawbar Ltd - publishers of this web site.

Reviews of Plas Elwy Hotel, St Asaph

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Review by James on 30th October, 2009

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Good Points: spacious room and nice to have a bath Bad Points: The room smelt awful! The pillows and mattress reeked and it was difficult to sleep. General review: very disappointing - we had stayed here previously (20 years ago) and found it a very pleasant hotel, which is why we chose it again. The whole 'air' of the establishment is in need of a review/ inspection- it is somewhat dated. I would hope that the saggy mattresses would be replaced and that the unpleasant smell be investigated and dealt with. A room air freshner would have helped a bit, and when we mentioned the smell to the propteitor he said he had noticed it but that it was from the previous occupants. I now regret not complaining on the night we had arrived and asked to be moved to a different room

Date visited: 2009-10-30

Review by Anonymous on 16th June, 2009

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Good Points: Didn't use the resterant or bar facilities at all, was on room basis only, therefore met few people, but the ones I met were polite, helpful, and informative. My room was very clean, nicely decorated and cosy, with good appliances. General review: Pleasant for the amount of time I was there.

Date visited: 2009-06-16

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