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Reviews of The Black Swan, Devizes

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Review by brian sumner on 23rd November, 2008

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Booked a room here at very short notice, was very interested in staying in a spooky enviroment {as this hotel was featured on most haunted} When we arrived there was no mention of the place being haunted or no pictures or information either in our room or around the hotel. Was surprisingly quiet for a Saturday, only myself and my wife and one other couple where booked in. Pam the owner is very welcoming as most scousers are and the food is reasonably priced and locally sourced. However was very dissapointed at the lack of info regards history of this hotel or the lack of ghost hunting as stated on their website. We did however talk to Pam later that evening regards the most haunted program and thats when the fun started. Was taken on a guided tour of the haunted cellars and found the whole experience spooooooky. Even was given candles to use(apparently no light down there) Great time, but when you stay here make sure you let the owners know you have come for the ghosts. Please support this hotel as it is a great English Pub hotel steeped in history and unfortunetly due to lack of customers is being sold.

Date visited: 23 nov 2008

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