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Reviews of The Phelips Arms, Montacute

Best rates for a Local Hotel

Review by Peter on 3rd January, 2011

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I seldom feel compelled to write reviews online but a visit to The Phelips Arms today has made we want to warn other visitors from going anywhere near this place. We visited the pub last week after a great visit to Montacute House. It looked OK - we didn't have high expectations for anything other than a decent lunch for four adults and three hungry children. I won't go into much detail about the food - other than to say it was terrible and clearly anything other than the "home-made" of the menu - but the experience was summed up by the *incredibly* grumpy owner/barmaid demanding 60p per pint of tap water when we had spent over £50 on food and drink. Under any circumstances that is incredibly tight but my warning is simple - DO NOT GO TO THE PHELIPS ARMS IN MONTACUTE!!!

Date visited: 29/12/2010

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