
It is important to remember that for every bad review there are probably lots of satisfied customers. These reviews are the comments of individual visitors to Information Britain and have not been authenticated by us. They should not be taken as the views of Crawbar Ltd - publishers of this web site.

Reviews of Globe Hotel, Colchester

Best rates for a Local Hotel

Review by Anonymous on 15th November, 2009

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Good Points: Hotel interior clean and staff friendly Bad Points: En suite facilities poor, bathroom was like a large portaloo on the inside! Room not clean, stains on the carpet and duvet old and dirty. Hard to sleep for traffic noise and gurgling pipes. Hard to locate staff to check in. General review: Fairly poor, hotel is seriously overpriced for the quality of the facilities. I've seen better youth hostels!

Date visited: 2009-11-15

Review by Anonymous on 22nd March, 2008

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Good Points: A lady gave me a free lift to the Holiday Inn hotel on the 18 th. Bad Points: 1.Room was shoking cold when I entered in. 2. No soap or Shapoo, instaed two half used cakes of soap sitting in the bathroom. 3. A half washed palstic cup found on the tea tray. The lady at the reception told me they would bring up soap & shampoo to the room in a minute. After waiting neary for half an hour I rang the reception and asked why the dellay and informaed about the faulty radiator. This time a man answered, told me that the lady who take care of those things gone out for 10 mins, I have to wait. Then I requested soap as I was already late for an evening appointment. The lady came up after another 20-30 mins, brought some shampoo and soap( family size), fixed the radiator. 4.When I inquired about an iron, she said they were not providing dry iron , if I really need ,I could borrow her personal one. 5.Any way I saw some brown stain in the toilet which was disgusting. I was to go to Holiday Inn for a conference on the 18th, one thing good in her,she offered me a lift at 8.30 am. She refused when I tried to pay her some money. Both mornings when I got up, the room was teriibly cold. The radiator was not working. They may have turned it off at midnight. The second day when I came after the conference, I found that my key/card didn't open the room. I had to come down again to the reception, which I was not happy having to climb up and down the staircase after having a long day. They said they have unlocked the room just for one day. I can't understand why,I paid in full for two days when I checked in on the 17 the afternoon. General review: To be honest I am not happy about the whole thing.

Date visited: 2008-03-22

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