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Reviews of The Swan, Choppington

Best rates for a Local Hotel

Review by TheTravellingRooster on 26th September, 2012

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We visited the Swan at Choppington in the very early evening (5'ish) having recently moved into the area. The pub is immaculately clean & very well presented and furnished. The food that we ordered was prepared/cooked at the start of the evening business and from an Early Bird menu because the regular one only commenced at 7 o'clock. The food was good albeit a little on the expensive side when compared with other equally presentable hostelries in the local 10mile radius area. They have a good range of beers and drinks in general but without a doubt the one that caught my eye and very definitely pleased my taste buds was the Allendale Brewery - Wolf at 5.5%. It is a Dark Ruby Ale and rather reminded me of an old brew that was available in my home-town of Liverpool back in the 60's that went under the name of Falstaff Dark Mild. I/we will very definitely return during a regular menu time of the business day. We have got three of the local pubs on our returns list and all three are very recommendable. The Swan at Choppington has the better range of beers and traditional cask ones in my personal opinion.

Date visited: Early July 2012

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