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Reviews of Dryden Car Boot, Preston

Best rates for a Local Hotel

Review by David Sergeant on 31st August, 2013

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Well you will see from my review of July 2013 I was doing my best to promote this Car Boot Sale. I was cleaning the toilets every hour on the hour for the price of my pitch £13. It had become apparent there was a lot of back biting going on which I chose to ignore until it started on me and my family - the so called management was behind it all of the time - so sorry folks no more clean toilets and unfortunately nothing nice or good to say about the place this time - except if you decide to go as a seller - please beware!!!!!!

Date visited: 25.08.2013

Review by David Sergeant on 25th July, 2013

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My family and I first visited Dryden Mill Indoor Car Boot as sellers in around April this year. We were not too sure at first however have not looked back since. We go every every Sunday now it is so much better than it was, things are really looking up there. The toilets are cleaned every hour on the hour by myself and are due to be refurbished very soon. The cafe is run by new owners and has proven to be extremely popular with both sellers and buyers. The aim is to promote this Car Boot venue now as much as possible. You can also find us on Facebook.

Date visited: 14.07.2013

Review by paul wallwork on 13th February, 2013

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When to dryden carboot about 4years ago two big lads ran it. And it was great made pots of money went last sunday god as it gone down hill don't know where the big lads are now but there is no one to show you where to go no people come buying now might as well have stayed in bed think the management should take a long hard look before we see another carboot goto the wall

Date visited: 10/02/2013

Review by Alison on 25th August, 2012

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Got to Dryden carboot at 5:30am no help had to go and find the man in charge set up not as good as last time Just like a market than a carboot but the food good but if you want to make money go to the field not here

Date visited: 15/08/2012

Review by raymond topping on 17th February, 2010

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dryden carboot opened the doors at 5.45am andy & ron showed us where to go before i could get items out of the car buyers where on me and it was like that all day i have done carboots before but this was great ( BUT )the food not good from the cafe great carboot take your own food and drink thanks andy & ron for all your help

Date visited: 3 /2 2010

Review by raymond on 16th February, 2010

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called at dryden carboot sale andy and ron where great lots of buyers made pots of money (BUT)take your own food and drink as the cafe is poorer

Date visited: 7/2/2010

Review by ali on 14th November, 2009

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great carboot took car inside unload it then parked car from the start the dealers are there buying .never stoped selling from 6am to 12pm made my money if you need money do what i did looked round my house then give it a go i made £324 not bad giving up one for sunday and andy and ron thanks for all your help

Date visited: 8/11/09

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