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Reviews of Rosehill House Hotel, Burnley

Best rates for a Local Hotel

Review by Moshe Aston on 11th September, 2010

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I can never forget my expirence at the rosehill house hotel when I had been to Burnley for a business meeting in December09. I was truely a grand expirence. The location, the fascility, the room, the photo frames, Statue of a witch on the staircase, the cute bar, warm and sweet old man at the bar, Most beautiful receptionist and the yummy breakfast. All in all a grand expirence. I have stayed at many hotels of various star categories, however the most unforgetable stay was at this joint. Its something one has to expirence there is a sort of mistry abouth the place the smell the vibes, its just too different. I have promissed my wife that I am going to take her to rosehill house some day soon to share the lovely expirence.

Date visited: Dec 2009

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