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Reviews of The Malt House, Sowerby Bridge

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Review by Neil on 26th January, 2010

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How disappointing! Service was slow, beef lasagne was low on beef content. The sizzling vegetables tasted of meat - not good for a vegetarian. The nachos had been under the hot plate so long they'd become brittle. We were going to order to some dessert to remove the hunger pangs but we waited so long for service that we came home (having paid £35 pounds for the priviledge) and ate some maltesers. Don't go there!

Date visited: 26/1/2010

Review by Mark Andreww on 22nd December, 2009

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The Malt House is not really in Sowerby Bridge but in Rishworth, in Ripponden Parish, it does not even need to use Sowerbv Bridge in its Postal Address Use to be The Royal, has an amazing history and links to nearby Rishworth School

Date visited: december

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