
It is important to remember that for every bad review there are probably lots of satisfied customers. These reviews are the comments of individual visitors to Information Britain and have not been authenticated by us. They should not be taken as the views of Crawbar Ltd - publishers of this web site.

Reviews of George of Colchester, Colchester

Best rates for a Local Hotel

Review by Anonymous on 5th March, 2009

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Good Points: If not arriving by car it was convenient for taxis and coach station. The high street shops nearby. Bad Points: We did book in knowing that the hotel was not equipped for disability but did not realise how extremely difficult it would be, had requested a first floor room because of this, this was not so but the room was changed to first floor but with more steps doors etc to manouvre ! Creaking floors and thin walls also a nuisance. General review: A difficult stay with some members of staff in the restaurent not all together welcoming. We found the lounge area staff much more hospitable and efficient.

Date visited: 2009-03-05

Review by Robert on 30th June, 2008

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Date visited: 2008-06-30

Review by Robert on 30th June, 2008

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General review: pleasant

Date visited: 2008-06-30

Review by Lynne Evans on 19th March, 2007

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Dear Sirs, On my visit to The George I was very disappointed, what had happened to the cosy up market Hotel and Restaurant? Our waitress was wandering around with her mobile phone ringing some awful ringtone in her uniform, we had to keep moving to find clean chairs as many were covered with crumbs and the tables were dirty, The barwoman was too busy chatting up a male drinker to really be that interested in serving us and when I finally did speak to her she acted as if I was mad wanting a tab for food and drink, The waitress when she did finally come back to us didn`t have much idea what was on the menu and looked rather dishevelled. My friends and family have used The George for many years and always found the staff and service excellent, If this is a cost cutting exercise I don`t think it will pay off as we eventually walked out after cancelling our order. I would appreciate your comments. yours faithfully, Lynne J. Evans

Date visited: 08/02/07

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