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Reviews of Blythswood Square, Glasgow

Best rates for a Local Hotel

Review by Martin on 31st October, 2011

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One of the best appointed rooms I have ever come across in too many years of business travel, not huge but using the space well to accommodate a comfy sofa along with the usual desk area. Quick check-in and efficient check-out. Was particularly impressed with the design of the bathroom – all brown marble and opaque glass doors - where a couple of sliding panels meant that if desired the TV in the main area could be viewed while one took a bath. How very civilised. Fine old building that it seems was once the HQ of the Scottish RAC, recalled with a gorgeous AC Cobra in the foyer. Breakfast was equally good, though far from cheap, the smoked haddock with poached eggs on my first morning maybe the best I’ve had anywhere. The coffee was plentiful and of the right strength – too many hotels fail dismally in this, for which there’s no excuse these days. Only minor gripe was the slightly slow service at breakfast one day, though the quality of the food more than made up for it. Very well placed in the centre, not far from Sauchiehall Street and only a three or four minute cab ride from the central station. Excellent.

Date visited: November 2011

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