
It is important to remember that for every bad review there are probably lots of satisfied customers. These reviews are the comments of individual visitors to Information Britain and have not been authenticated by us. They should not be taken as the views of Crawbar Ltd - publishers of this web site.

Reviews of Crown Hotel, Bawtry

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Review by margery on 3rd April, 2007

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I thought my stay was very pleasant.The rooms were very modern and spotlessly clean. The staff were very friendly especially house keeping,which were very cheery and just made my stay worth the money. Thankyou margery xxx

Date visited: 01/02/07

Review by joanne frost and laura beedham on 19th July, 2006

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very vintage and had an nice time n there is very friendly staff thank you for ur service

Date visited: July 18th 2005

Review by Laura beedham on 19th July, 2006

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very nice lovely i havn't been inside but been inside and its very nice looking so i think it will b nice inside n my brother works their called thomas beedham he says itz good to work their.

Date visited: 15th july 2006

Review by Ross on 5th August, 2005

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I met one of the workers from the kitchen called ben. he was a tall fellow who gave me a good impression on how the meals were made

Date visited: last week

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