
It is important to remember that for every bad review there are probably lots of satisfied customers. These reviews are the comments of individual visitors to Information Britain and have not been authenticated by us. They should not be taken as the views of Crawbar Ltd - publishers of this web site.

Reviews of Broadlands Hotel, Lowestoft

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Review by Mason on 3rd July, 2013

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This place was very nice it has nice swimming pool it had everything it was nice inside the rooms were well clean staff were nice people who went their was friendly and calm and it was a good hotel untill it got shut down and turned into mjb and winelodge my dad was the manager of the broadlands hotel and the owner was nice and friendly good guy he was but then in 2003 they filled in the swimming pool and all that the hotel was not making money so it shut down thanks for reading have good rest of your day.

Date visited: 1998

Review by Alan on 25th October, 2005

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Clean and welcoming. no nonsense. Very pleasant Staff Perhaps the decor was a little busy, but otherwise in good order If I had been aware of the value this booking represented, I would have made use of this Hotel a long time ago

Date visited: 2005-10-25

Review by Josie on 17th September, 2005

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For the price of the room as far as I was concerned the accommodation was excellent I could not find anything for them to improve on We could not fault either the staff or the accommodation, we have stayed in lots of this type of hotel before with the bigger chains and as far as we were concerned the service we received, the cleanliness in the room and the bathroom was was as good if not better than some of the others that we have stayed in.

Date visited: 2005-09-17

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