Shops in Helston


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At-Your-Pace, (Sports)
Bloomsberry Flowers, (Florists)
Boots, (High Street)
Cross Common Nursery, (Garden)
Fleet Air Arm Museum Shop , (Gifts)
Outback Trading Ltd, (Outdoor Pursuits)
Pets Pantry, (Pets)
Schofield Eye Care, (Opticians)
Spiezia Organics Ltd, (Healthcare)
Steven Hall, (Chemists)
Superdrug, (High Street)
Tesco HELSTON, (High Street)
The Shoe Shop, (Shoes)
W H Smith Ltd, (High Street)
WHSmith, (High Street)

Brit Quote:
Those who don't believe in magic will never find it - Roald Dahl
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On this day:
Battle of Hastings - 1066, Battle of Old Byland - 1322, Caerphilly Pit disaster - 1913, Winnie the Pooh Published - 1926, Balham Blitz Tube Disaster - 1940, Fifty Pence Coin Issued - 1969
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